Archive for the ‘japan’ Tag

Economics, Security, and “Shikata ga nai” (pt1)

All this hoopla about fingerprinting foreign residents. Everything comes down to one thing: “It’s the economy stupid“. When I designed the Japanese Economic Policy in High School, I knew it was about 2 things: compliance and Louis Vuitton Bags.

The fact that we have the 2nd biggest economy in the world and yet basically the whole population has absolutely no life is not some chance occurence:

It’s there by design

My design of course, and it’s fucking perfect. But I don’t want to brag. The guys are easy to deal with. If you’re fluent in Latin like me, you’ll know that education comes from ‘educare’ to ‘lead out’. So that’s what we do: we suck out every ounce of individuality and replace it with a total inability to question anything. We are relentless. We disguise the whole process with exam hell, but the kernel of the whole system is this:

Situation: adversity; Response: “It can’t be helped” (Shikata ga nai).

And frankly, given that the life we have in store for them is just one long adversity, this is a good thing. 70 work hours/week, life in a rabbit hutch, nightly getting loaded with another bunch of suited losers, 5 holidays a decade.

So you foreigners who think you can mobilize the Japanese population to stop us fingerprinting, get a clue. This is a population whose response to their own misery is: nothing. Do you honestly think they give a fuck about you? Try it. Grab a random citizen of the street, and ask him what he thinks about the fingerprinting policy, and he’ll say: “Shikata ga nai“. Guaranteed.

To be continued …